ReproScripts Info Inks coverage plugin for CorelDraw

  • calculation of the density of inks on all pages of the document
  • export data to XML for use in an automated workflow
  • convertion of spot colors to CMYK when analyzing the document
ReproScripts Info command bar

The Inks coverage plugin included in the ReproScripts Info library allows you to analyze the document and calculate the density of inks coverage for every page. This information allows to exactly estimate the ink consumption for any type of printing press. This is important for the correct planning of production processes and financial calculations.

You tube WATCH VIDEO: Calculation of the inks coverage percentage in CorelDraw
ReproScripts Inks coverage ~ sample document

An open document is required to run the plugin. Click the Analyze button to process all pages of the document. During the analysis, the plu-in can process each spot color separately, or (with the active checkbox convert spot colors to CMYK ) convert them to CMYK.

After analyzing the document, the plugin will fill a list with detailed information about the color distribution for each page or selected objects — depending on the specified processing zone. 1

The data from the table can be copied to memory or exported to xml — for the entire document, individual pages or coverage values ​​of specific inks.

ReproScripts Info Inks coverage ~ window

If the analysis is performed for selected objects, the calculation will be performed for a rectangular area along the selection boundaries — the same way as if the selected objects were on a separate page of the document.

ReproScripts Info Inks coverage ~ proccessing selected shapes

Export to XML

The plugin allows to export data to an XML format for further processing in the company workflow. In the settings, which are opened by pressing the button with the gear icon   in the bottom corner of the window 2, you can specify a folder in which to store XML files. The filename is the same as the name of the CorelDraw document.

To export, you need to click on the   button. Having executed the export plugin will open the folder and show the resulting file.

XML schema

The Inks coverage plugin export XML schema: download
