ReproScripts Info Perimeter and area plugin for CorelDraw

  • calculation of perimeter and area in different units
  • separate processing of lines of different types
  • export data to XML for use in an automated workflow
ReproScripts Info Perimeter and Area Docker in CorelDraw menu

The Perimeter and area plugin extends the list of CorelDraw dockers and is available from the Windows > Dockers > ReproScripts > Perimeter and area menu. To run the plugin, you need to open the document and select objects whose area and perimeter are to be calculated.

The plugin allows to calculate several different values based on the characteristics of the selected objects. This allows you to solve a fairly common task in practice — to calculate the perimeter / area in the document for different types of lines.

ReproScripts Info Perimeter and area ~ window

Filtering shapes

When installing the plugin, a single filter is added to the list of docker filters, which processes all objects regardless of the parameters of the stroke or fill. To add a new one, click on the   button at the top right of the list. The list is only visible if there is an open document and some objects selected.

ReproScripts Info Perimeter and Area - filter parameters

If at the moment when you add a new filter there is a selected shape in the currently active document the plugin will form the filter based on the characteristics of this object (or the first one from several selected). It will take and add the color and style of the stroke and the fill type to the filter.

In the window with filter parameters you can specify the name of the entry and correct, if necessary, the criteria for selecting suitable objects.

Next to the name, you can specify the units for measuring the area and perimeter values that will be used by the plugin when displaying the information. With the value of Auto, the units most suitable for this will be selected, forming the most compact and easy to comprehend value.

As a criterion for selecting objects that will be taken into account for calculating values, you can specify the parameters for outline or fill.

    Filter by outline characteristics:
  • no outline filtering
  • only objects with empty outline
  • only objects with not empty outline
  • only objects with a outline of a certain color and style
    Filter by fill characteristics:
  • no fill filtering
  • only objects without fill
  • only objects with fill (any)
  • only objects with a solid fill of a certain color

Calculation of perimeter and area

Each time the set of objects selected in the document changes the plugin recalculates values for each filter. Results are shown in the list including the number of objects that were found suitable for the filter.

Export to XML

The plugin allows to export data to an XML format for further processing in the company workflow. In the settings, which are opened by pressing the button with the gear icon   in the bottom corner of the docker, you can specify a folder in which to store XML files. The filename is the same as the name of the CorelDraw document.

To export, you need to click on the   button. Having executed the export plugin will open the folder and show the resulting file.

XML schema

The Perimeter and area plugin export XML schema: download
